Saturday, 22 June 2019

Let the Pharmacist HELP

                                                      Let the Pharmacist HELP

Me - Hello
Friend - Hello , I need help
Me - yes What Is it?
Friend - I was given an inhaler
Me - so?
Friend - How to use it?
Me - Did not your Pharmacist explain?
Friend - I was in a hurry. I Came


Above is a part of a telephone conversation I very recently had with a friend of mine. Being a student and now a graduate I have faced similar situation a lot and It was good this was at least a phone call once I was asked about a suppository through a text message !!!!!

Use of certain Medical Devices such as Inhalers, Insulin pens and certain dosage forms such as suppositories, Pessaries, Eye drops and ear drops need practice and prior demonstrations in most of the cases. When ever you visit your Pharmacist with a prescription of a medical device he or she may try to explain you how to use it. You may be in a hurry, you may think you know, and you may even assume that you can Call your pharmacist friend and take their advice But it is very important that you listen to your pharmacist and  I am positive there is no way you can learn the proper technique of using an inhaler over the phone and not to mention the varieties of inhalers currently available.

Now what you should focus on ,

- How to use / administer
- When to use 
- Where and How to store 
- How to carry your device with you 
- How to clean your device  
- When to discard and get a new one 

Yes above may differ according to the device but is true for most of them.

Your pharmacist will explain all the above in detail and it is essential for you to remember at least what I have listed.

Why you think your pharmacist make you wait and explain all these even when you yourself don't want to hear half the stuff he explains.

 Because it

- ensure proper use of device 
- improves patient compliance
- minimizes potential adverse events
- reduces side effects
- avoids misuse and abuse 

So it is for your own good and he wastes his own time to make sure you get
   Right Drug, 

Also one step forward your pharmacist may also provide you with leaflets, pictograms and any other material for further reference if you are in doubt.

Know your Rights 

All Pharmacists may not be ready to waste time on counselling when they have long queues waiting for them ....

- Yes you can always ask for your Pharmacist to Explain or Demonstrate the use of a medical device no matter how long the queue is
-  You may feel free to ask for a language of your preference
-  If you are not comfortable being counselled in public ask for privacy!!
- Ask for an emergency contact number if available

In an ideal set up the privacy of the patient should be regarded with greater importance by the pharmacist and should have a separate area for counselling!!
Pharmacists are bound by a code of ethic and you can always trust your pharmacists with your health problems and expect them to respect privacy.

So the next time you walk in with a prescription of a Medical Device make sure you are willing to spend few minutes to be counselled for your own good and please do note that ignoring what your pharmacist got to say and ending up with consequences will be a Bitter Pill To Swallow....... Its always good to let your pharmacist help you with your medical devices than asking your friends family or googling.

Let Him HELP!!!!!!!!!!

Piumish (B.Pharm USJP)

Social Media and Healthcare

Being the e - Generation most of us have become so dependent on internet for all most all our needs. From a song of your favorite artist to what you can cook from bread left overs, from sari designs to fashions of tribal people, from origami air crafts to rocket science and the list may go on, is just a touch away.
Google is excellent,  a total savior, a fixer, a friend in need, a mind reader, and a teacher ....

With the advancement of the technology use of Internet has become an inseparable thing in human life and it has made the most simplest daily chores easier by leaps and bounds. People use internet for Everything and this is true when they fall ill as well.

Back in the days when someone fell ill it was either self medication, visit to the doctor and sometimes we may get the help of a friend. Now this " friend" is replaced with social media and google.

Being public about private life has become a fashion in social media and this is no exception when people are sick.

A Knight in Armour for the Damsel in Distress !!!!!!!!

Social Media is of help -

- It provides access to medical assistance or advice to millions of people who complain of their ailments in different groups where medical professionals provide advice.
- There are professional forums which provides support for Mental Health to people who are either embarrassed or not in a position to obtain a direct medical advice
- It provides a platform for Public Health Education where people are made aware of diseases, prevention strategies, novel discoveries in health care sector.
- It provides patient counselling on medications, indications, side effects and proper usage
- It is an excellent place for people to develop their own interests on Healthcare Sector.
- Further Social media can  be used to establish very basic healthcare practices very effectively among both young and old.

Ex - Proper use of contraceptive methods
     -  Importance of vaccination

So the social media is of immense help for mothers with sick kids, students with stress needing medical assistance and also for people who are interested in living healthy !

But all the people who go on giving Medical advice are they all professional?

The biggest problem with social media is the users tend to Trust.
This applies to healthcare as well. Giving wrong advice for the wrong patient by a wrong personnel can lead to various complications, serious adverse events such as hospitalization or even death.

The Social Media has only replaced your "friend" but Not your Doctor and the Healthcare team. It is fine to get advice but people should meet the doctor as well.

One of the worst cases of Social Media is people trying for Self Medication this ranges from Home remedies to Self prescribing Antibiotics!!!!

Similarly there are millions of cosmetic products, whitening creams, weight gain products, weight loss products and many borderline products being advertised and sold through Social Media. These should be regulated to ensure the quality safety and efficacy of these products.
Not everything in social media is reliable information and every person giving medical related information may not be a Health Care Professional (HCP). This leaves a huge responsibility on Policy Makers and HCPs in using and regulating what and what not to be posted and shared in Social Media and as well as to streamline who says what!!

So next time when you seek help in social media for your ailments or regarding your medication you can always check for the reliability of information and keep in mind its always best to meet a doctor when ill and meet a pharmacists to know about all the borderline products such as Ayurveda medication and cosmetics.

Social Media Cannot  Replace the Health Care Team !!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Piumish (B.Pharm USJP)

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